The beautiful season of Advent begins the weekend of Nov. 30th/Dec. 1st!
Bring your Advent Wreaths to be blessed by Father Anthony.
HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION- Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgen Mary
is Monday, Dec. 9th- come join us for Mass at 9am and a Spanish Mass at 6pm.
Para nuestra comunidad bilingue y de habla Hispana, nuestra celebracion de la Virgen de Guadalupe sera el jueves, 12 de diciembre. A las 6pm inicia el Santo Rosario y danza.
La Misa sera a las 7pm y la celebracion concluira con un hermoso convivio parroquial.
CHRISTMAS EVE MASS, Dec. 24th 7pm Spanish…. 9pm English
CHRISTMAS DAY MASS, Dec. 25th at 10am (English).
HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION- The Solemnity of Mary,
Dec. 31st, Spanish Mass at 6pm.
Jan 1st, English Mass at 6pm